Runners (Self) Checkup

The Runners (Self) Checkup is...

The SAME movement screen I use on my athletes, available to you to DIY.

Simply evaluate your performance on the top 10 foundational movements required for running. Get instant feedback on YOUR strengths and weaknesses.

Then, use the guided program to make meaningful and quick changes to your biggest struggles.

Watch your miles start to feel more effortless in as quick as two weeks!

What's Included?

  • Private, lifetime access to the course

  • The Runners (Self) Checkup Assessment Tool and Guided Videos

  • Guided videos to navigate the program, testing, and corrective exercise program

  • Exercise tracking sheet

  • Education on best next steps after program completion

Take a Tour of the Runners (Self) Checkup With Me...

Meet Dr. Sarah

  • Sarah is Fellowship Trained Doctor of Physical Therapy

  • Avid Runner, Weight Lifter, & Hiker

  • Conquered her own hip injury with

    conservative care ONLY

    +No imaging, injections, or surgery